During 2015 and 2016 we moved to Girona to get more recordings. The Association of Deaf people in Baix Empordà (Associació de persones sordes del Baix Empordà), based in Palafrugell andfounded in 2013, and the Association of Deaf people in Blanes i la Selva (Centre de Persones Sordes de Blanes i la Selva), based in Blanes and founded in 1984, have been the first towns in Girona that we have visited. We visited Palafrugell in November 2015, and we went to record the group of adults. We went to Blanes for a weekend in February 2016 and we were able to record the couple of over 51 years of age. We hope that later we can agree on the plans to be able to record the young group from Blanes that is missing in the corpus. We thank both entities for their warm welcome and willingness to carry out the recordings.