Presentation and sign name

Presentation and sign name The “Presentation and sign name” video is a preparation and warm-up activity. It does not have stimulus material. The aim is to register sign names  and to document cultural aspects of the Deaf community. The participants sign to...

The LSC corpus

The LSC corpus In 2007, the Institut d’Estudis Catalans, the Federació de Persones Sordes de Catalunya, the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, the Fundació Barcelona Media and Linguamón undertook a collaborative initiative to create a reference corpus of LSC. However, at that...

Sign language corpora

Sign language corpora A corpus is a representative collection of samples of a language in machine-readable format, used to study the type and frequency of linguistic units. In addition, it constitutes a broad representation of the language and its geographical,...
Press release 11 – Recordings in CERECUSOR

Press release 11 – Recordings in CERECUSOR

In November 2016 we were able to make recordings at the CERECUSOR Association, a entity in Barcelona founded in 1941. We were also able to record three pairs of signers thanks to the collaboration of a member of the entity, Xavier Álvarez, who was not only an...
Press release 8 – Presentation at the VII Seminar on LSC

Press release 8 – Presentation at the VII Seminar on LSC

We are in front of the Institute of Catalan Studies (IEC). In 2007 FESOCA, with the collaboration of the IEC, began organizing the LSC Seminar, with the aim of disseminating existing research and projects on Catalan Sign Language. At first, the Seminar was organized...