Llar de pesones sordes de Badalona

I am Pedro Jara, the current president of the association Llar de persones sordes de Badalona. The association was founded 49 years ago, on December 6, 1974. Before I assumed the presidency 24 years ago, there have been four presidents: Pedro Segura Caparrós, Fernando Sánchez Serrano, Paco Montanya Ibáñez and José Luis Riba Moloney.

The association aims to fight against the barriers that deaf people have, so they can achieve the same opportunities and equal rights. To do so, we highlight the importance of using Catalan Sign Language and its role in society, we thus rise awareness and claim the rights of the deaf. We also organize cultural activities, youth-oriented activities, training courses, etc.

Every year the association celebrates the International Day of the Deaf on September 23. It is organized by the association to claim the rights of deaf people and to remind the town council of Badalona that there are also deaf people in the city, that should not be forgotten.

The sign of the association refers to the sea with curved lines that make the shape of waves on the shield. The building where the association is currently located is not the same as when it was founded, this is the second one.

Finally, I want to thank the collaboration with the Corpus.

ADDRESS: General Weyler 180-182, 08912 Badalona
Phone: 933831229
Email: llarsordbad@gmail.com